I promised some cute cat stories, but I haven't even introduced you to my kitties. We have two 2-year old sister cats, Edie and Twiggy. They are named after Edie Sedgwick, Andy Warhol's muse and 60's supermodel Twiggy. They are mackerel tabbies and their eyes kind of look like they are wearing 60's make-up. Together, they are always up to something.
Edie |
Twiggy |
Awwww.... |
Everyone loves Edie. She is super friendly, spunky and kind of acts like a dog. Edie is Marlon's cat. Every night when Marlon gets home, she waits for him to put the blanket in his lap so she can hop up and get petted. I can't believe he trained her to wait for the blanket. I call Marlon the cat whisper. When we had our home study, I swear she knew she was supposed to be extra cute. She sat in Marlon's lap with her little paws crossed and made her most adorable face hamming it up for the social worker. Edie loves to chase paper balls and will play fetch with you. She also does this funny air dig thing when she wants something. It cracks me up every time.
Edie |
Only I love Twiggy, she doesn't come out for most people. Twiggy is my cat. She is very sweet and shy. She likes to snuggle under the covers, lets me pat her and give her kisses. She tolerates a lot. Twiggy is a little neurotic. She likes to scratch the glass of our french door - annoying, and she likes to shred the rug mats. But I love her just the same. We have one of those rubber door stoppers on a spring at our front door, she can't resist giving that thing a whack every morning when I leave for work. She also thinks her sister is really dirty and is constantly grooming her. Her favorite hiding place is burrowed up in the couch, don't ask me how she gets in there.
Twiggy |
Since pretty much from the beginning, Marlon and I have had a cat. Our first cat was Filthy. I found him on my high school graduation day, he rolled out of an exhaust pipe of a truck and my girlfriends and I were in the car behind. Being teenage girls, we pulled over and rescued the kitten. He was covered in dirt and fleas and that's how he got his name. Marlon cleaned him up and we took him to a raging party that night. He ended up riding on some punk rocker's shoulder all night! Oh the stories we have with Filthy! Another time. In his mature years, we called him Fil. Filthy left us three years ago for kitty heaven. He was the coolest cat and we still miss him so much.
Filthy |
Cat people rule.
I beg to differ, Jennie Lynn. Animal people rule. I simply don't trust anyone who doesn't have a soft spot for animals - any animal. The older I get, and Lord knows I'm getting old, the more I believe that people need animals even more than they need us. Animals bring out the very best in humans, our compassion. They need to trust us and we need to trust them. It's very interesting, very fragile, very necessary. God gave us an enormous gift, to embrace or not. How very blessed we are, should we chose to embrace the animal kingdom, warts and all. Much love to you and Marlon on this quite wet and blustery Autumn evening.
ReplyDeleteWe do ❤ all animals. Yes, animal people rule. :)
ReplyDeleteHi jenn,
ReplyDeleteI love all this blog stuff you're doing. Wow, a lot of work. Now, You got us both with the kitty pics. You know we love both your cats. And Filthy will always hold a special place in our hearts. Puddi loves the new presciption diet food...thank the Lord !!! She is doing great. Can't wait to see you two with the new addition you have worked so hard for...let us know as soon as you hear..best to eamail us too. Love, Ed and Cheri and David.
Hey Jenn, I was wondering if you can get your blog to link to AOL or to facebook? I have accounts there. I don't know how that works but if you could add these wouldn't that expand the email tethers?..Ed?
ReplyDeleteThe blog automatically posts to Facebook and Twitter when a new one is published. I'll look into AOL. I am trying to post twice a week, so keep a look out. You can also subscribe via email so a new post comes right to your inbox or become a follower and it will post in your feeds. Thanks for the feedback.