
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Dreams Do Come True

After six years of waiting, hoping, and dreaming our forever family finally came true. In May 2017, we were matched with the greatest loves of our lives - two smart, funny, talented, and beautiful daughters. In March of 2018, our adoption was final. 

As 2017 approached, Marlon and I started talking about the past six years, how different our life is from 2011, and what we hoped for in the future. We quickly realized that a newborn may not be the best fit for our family anymore. Our home study was amended in January of 2017 to include older children.  

In May, we were contacted by a birth family about sisters. It felt right. It felt like divine intervention. A couple of weeks later, we were on plane to meet them. It was love at first sight. The connection was immediate. We knew that these girls were our daughters. We found each other! We had a tearful goodbye with the girls and headed home. I cried all the way to the airport. 

The next month felt like an eternity in preparation of us becoming a forever family. On June 17, 2017, our daughters came home with us. It's been an incredible year. Parenting is an adventure. I've never been so tired, at times frustrated, rewarded, and blissfully happy in my life. Before I go to bed each night, I go into their room and look at their sweet sleeping faces and think, “how did I get so lucky?” Their birth family has been amazingly loving and supportive; we're all learning how to be one big family. That means the world to me because you can never have too many people that love you.

This journey has changed who we are, taught us to never give up, people are always cheering for you, to forgive, to be open, to get up when you get knocked down, and most of all to love bigger and greater than we ever could imagine.

I truly believe that we were waiting for them. Without a doubt, our family was worth the wait. This chapter has closed and we're now off doing all the things that families do. Thank you for your unwavering support and love. You held us when we were down and cheered for us along the way. Marlon and I want to express our sincere gratitude to you for being there for us throughout the years. Instead of two cats and cradle, we have two cats, two daughters, and bunk beds and it's absolutely perfect!

Kathryne Crowe Photography, 2018

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