
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It's Good to Be the Cheesiest!

There a new Queen of Cheese in town! I won the 5th Annual Grilled Cheese cook-off competition at my office. My competition was stiff and their recipes were inventive and delicious, so I was genuinely surprised and thrilled when my name was announced!

I planned to go with either a cinnamon toast, cream cheese grilled cheese or a take on apple pie and cheddar sandwich, but Marlon convinced me that meat and cheese was the way to go. So my sandwich was inspired by the White Castle slider. A guilty pleasure. It turned out great.

The morning of the competition, I realized that I used most of the Velveeta and all of the onion in my test batches. Luckily, I have the best sister in the land and she went to the store and brought me my missing ingredients at 7:30 in the morning! Thank you, sister!!

On competition day, I let my butter soften until griddle time. I organized all my ingredient and started make my sandwiches. They were coming out perfect! The bread was golden brown, the cheese was melting nicely, and my co-workers had happy faces! They even came back for second tastes!

The votes were counted and I won by 2! I told you the competition was stiff! I was crowned the queen of cheese. I've always been a cheesehead though! Enjoy the recipe!

“The Crave,” a White Castle inspired grilled cheese
Sunbeam white bread                        Unsalted, softened butter
Velveeta cheese slice                          Colby cheese slice
Copycat White Castle burger             Steamed Minced onions

Place one slice of bread with softened butter on the griddle, butter side down. Assemble the sandwich - Colby cheese slice, burger patty, steamed minced onions, Velveeta slice, and top with second slice of bread, butter side up. Grill until golden brown and cheese is melted.

Copycat White Castle burger recipe is from

  • 1 1/2 pounds hamburger
  • 1 package Lipton onion soup mix
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter (yes, peanut butter.. trust me)
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • In a large bowl mix the hamburger, Lipton onion soup mix, peanut butter, and milk. Spread the meat mixture on a cookie sheet as thin as possible. Use a rolling pin to roll over the meat to smooth it out.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. The meat will shrink. Take it out of the oven and put the diced onions all around the edges, this will give the meat a great flavor.
  • Bake for 15 more minutes, remove from oven. Spoon the onions from the edges into a bowl. Cut meat into square shaped patty a little smaller than your bread
  • Assemble the sandwich and grill

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