When I am diving into something new, I like to get all the information that I can about the subject. So when we decided to adopt, I quickly started reading adoption forums and blogs. I had never really read forums before and I was surprised at how many times I needed to google an acronym in a discussion to figure out what the heck they were talking about. So for all of you just starting out, I put together a list of commonly used acronyms in adoption and infertility forums. Now you can read with ease and chat like a pro!
For a printable list, click here.
Forum Acronyms:
- AA - Adult Adoptee or African American
- ABC - Amended Birth Certificate
- ACR or AOCR - Age of Child Requested
- AD - Adoptee or Adoptive Dad
- AF - Adoptive Father
- AF - Aunt Flow, your period
- AM - Adoptive Mother
- AP - Adoptive Parents
- BC - Birth Certificate
- BD - Birth (Biological) Dad
- BF- Birth Father or Boyfriend
- BM or Bmom - Birth (Biological) Mother (Bmom is preferred)
- CC or CA - Caucasian
- COC - Certificate of Citizenship
- CPS - Child Protective Services
- CW - Case Worker
- DD - Dear Daughter
- DH - Dear Husband
- DI - Donor Insemination
- DOA - Date of Adoption
- DOB - Date of Birth
- DOR - Date of Referral
- DOT - Date of Travel
- DP - Dear Partner
- DS - Dear Son
- DSS - Department of Social Services
- DTC - Dossier to China
- DW - Dear Wife
- EM or Emom - Expectant Mother
- FAS - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- FC - Family Court or Foster Child
- FD - Foster Daughter
- FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer
- FP - Fingerprinting
- FS - Foster Son
- HS - Homestudy
- IA - International Adoption
- IF - Infertility
- ISO - In Search Of
- IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
- IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
- MIL - Mother in Law
- NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- OBC - Original Birth Certificate
- OT - Off Topic
- PACA - Post Adoption Contact Agreement
- PAP - Prospective Adoptive Parent
- PG - Pregnant
- POA - Power of Attorney
- POB - Place of Birth
- PPR - Post Placement Report
- RAD - Reactive Attachment Disorder
- SN - Special Needs
- SO - Significant Other
- STBAD - Soon to be Adopted Daughter
- STBAS - Soon to be Adopted Son
- SW - Social Worker
- TPR - Termination of Parental Rights
- TTC - Trying to Conceive
- VS or DVS - Vital Statistics or Department of Vital Statistics
- WC - Waiting Child
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