
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Keepin' Busy

Thank you for all for your love and support. Your calls, texts and messages have meant a lot to us and have kept our spirits up during this disappointing time. I think we are finally feeling better and we are going to dive into launching phase 2 to find our baby.

We haven't done much networking other than this blog to find our child.  Let's call it what it is, advertising. The idea does make me cringe a little. We had planned to start in the new year, but we began talking to the expectant mother in January and didn't think about it again. Now, it's time for us to do a little more leg work on this adoption. We got so close and frankly, we are tired of waiting.  Besides, it is a good distraction from feeling sorry for ourselves.

In the next month or so, we'll be rolling out our new personal profile website for pregnant women looking for adoptive parents. Wordpress is kicking my butt, but I am catching on quickly with some help from a friend.  We are designing touch cards to leave every where from doctor's offices to coffee shops. We're even getting a toll-free number and our own domain name! We're going try our hand at advertising on sites like Craigslist and Adoptimist and maybe some college newspapers.  We are also planning a fundraising/networking event in NYC on May 17th from 6-9 pm.  SAVE THE DATE, it involves cocktails!

You might be wondering how you could help. Our match before was made through a friend of the family. It didn't work out, but it was worth it. We learned a lot and will probably do things a little differently next time. If you hear of anyone that wants to make an adoption plan for their newborn, please do not hesitate to speak up on our behalf. If you'd like more information about our adoption preferences, please email me.

Coming to your mailboxes one day soon, will be a letter from us and touch cards for you to hand out as well. If you want cards to hand out and you don't think I have your address, email me. Give these to your health care professionals, your hairdresser and waitresses when you pay the check. Post these on community boards, really give these out any where you think people will see it. Word of mouth is a powerful tool.  Share our story, whether it is re-posting my blog, our personal website or telling someone about us in the grocery store.

Finally, we'd love to see our NYC/tri-state area friends at our fundraising event on May 17th. More details on that to come soon.

If you have any other ideas for networking, you guessed it, email me!  Thanks to B, a father in one of my adoption forums on Facebook, for giving so many stellar networking ideas. Really dude, you rock!

I am done stuffing my face with saltines and my peanut butter and honey concoction. I literally had to dust myself off. Our game face is on and we are ready for anything that comes our way.


Thanks for reading Two Cats and a Cradle!

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