
Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools

Marlon and I had a nice anniversary getaway weekend in the Berkshires, MA.  Even though our adoption was falling apart, we tried to stay in the moment, relax and have fun. We sure did need it.

We always go somewhere for our anniversary to celebrate. Most of the time we take a week of vacation, but since we are adopting we have to save our vacation time. So, a weekend has to do. Anyway, Marlon picked the Berkshires because it was close enough for a weekend trip and he wanted to see the Istvan Banyai show at the Norman Rockwell museum. So, I reserved a car and a B&B and we were off to celebrate 19 years!

The Norman Rockwell museum was so interesting. His paintings really told a story of a moment in time. The museum had his original works, as well as, a display of all of his Saturday Evening Post covers. It was amazing to see time past through his covers. I was even fascinated by the mailing labels on the covers and how addresses evolved over the years.

OK, I am getting to the April Fools part. So, Mr. Rockwell did a couple of April Fools covers for the Saturday Evening Post. I just loved the one from 1943 of a couple playing checkers. We stood there picking out everything that was "off" with the cover. It was like one of those "what's wrong with this picture" that are in magazines. The detail that went into this painting was just amazing. I also love his sense of humor.  If you interested, click here for the answers to the April Fools cover.

So no jokes here, just sharing Mr. Rockwell's work.

On a side note, I did play a great April Fools joke on my co-workers a couple of years ago. It still makes me laugh. I am executive assistant and act as the office manager for my department. Everyone comes to me for anything that comes up and I've been known to put up a sign or two.  On April 1st, I put an official looking sign on our copier that said the copier was now activated with voice command. (I got this idea online somewhere.) I sit within earshot of the copier, but you can't see me because of my cubicle wall. My first victim was up and I hear, COPY, COPY until they realized they had been pranked. I am in my cube laughing hysterically with tears streaming. I was thoroughly entertained all day.

Happy April Fools!

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