
Monday, October 22, 2012

Tupperware Fundraising Party!

I am having a Tupperware party to raise funds for our adoption.  Yes, I said a Tupperware party!  I am sure most of you remember those green Tupperware bowls that were so popular in the 70's and 80's. I think everyone had one. Well, today's Tupperware selection is modern and they have some really cool stuff to keep your kitchen (and life) organized!  Plus, Tupperware will donate 40% of the sales from this party to our adoption fund.  You're getting great kitchen stuff and helping us achieve our dream. Win, win!

To order from our special fundraising catalog, click here.  On the Tupperware page, click on the link "Shop this Fundraiser". The LAST DAY TO ORDER is November 15, 2012, so get your orders in now.  Orders from the online party will be shipped directly to you. 

My sister is also hosting a good ol' fashion Tupperware party in her home on November 10th in honor of us.  If you are interested in attending Jill's party, email me.  Have I mentioned lately that my sister is absolutely THE BEST!!!  All orders from the online party and Jill's party will be delivered in time for Christmas.

A special BIG THANK YOU to Gale, our Tupperware consultant for offering to do this party for us.  We appreciate your support and generosity.

Thank you for ordering and helping us get one step closer to creating our family through adoption. For anyone that orders, we'll add your name to the back of a puzzle piece as well.

If you have any questions regarding this party, please feel free to email me.  Anyone can order, so please share the blog link or the party link -!twx$eparty_ctl.p_guest_welcome?pv_eparty=c504180edd82098808449719a039b5f3

UPDATE: The Tupperware party has closed. $314 was added to our adoption fund! Thank you so much for your purchase.

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