
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I haven't had a chance to blog lately. This last week has been hectic.  It started with my mom becoming very ill to the point we thought she wasn't going to make it. Marlon and I rushed to Virginia to be with her and my family. Thankfully, she responded to a different treatment and recovered. She still has cancer and her time with us is limited, but she's home and doing fine.

As we headed to Virginia, Hurricane Sandy didn't even cross our minds.  The weekend approached and Virginia started hurricane preparations.  Since my mom was doing better, we decided Marlon should go home on Sunday and take care of things there. I would stay until my mom was released from the hospital and get her settled.  The storm came through Virginia on Sunday evening and other than flooding and minor damage, all was okay.  

Mom came home from the hospital on Monday and I was hoping to go home on Tuesday.  Sandy had other plans. The storm bore down on New York and New Jersey on Monday and left a path of destruction. I was stranded in Virgina and Marlon was home.  Our apartment made it through the storm without damage or loss of power, however, my friends and neighbors weren't so lucky.  It is just so terrible; I don't even know what to do.  We reached out to friends and family to check on them, we donated items, made a donation to the Red Cross and offered our home to anyone without power.  New Yorkers are resilient and I know we will be back stronger than ever, but in the meantime, if you could say a prayer for those affected and make a donation to the Red Cross, that would be wonderful.

My dad, who is the best dad ever, drove me all the way to New York on Wednesday because he knew I needed to get home.  Thanks Dad!  I returned to work on Thursday by ferry, which definitely broke up my boring commute.  Sure we have a little difficulty getting around while the city recovers, but I have nothing to complain about.  We are so fortunate.

View from the East River Ferry on my way to work.

If you'd like to make a donation to the Red Cross for disaster relief, click here.  You can also text REDCROSS to 90999 or NYCFUND to 50555 and donate $10. We appreciate your concern and prayers for us. Thank you.

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