
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dragging My Feet

I am totally lacking motivation to revamp our adoption efforts. I got a great response to my "Survey Says" post*. Thanks ladies!  My mom is all settled and doing great. Everything seems to be under control and usually I am on to the next thing.  Maybe it's the lazy days of summer but procrastination is not my usual MO. Updating our adoption look book, creating a personal website and networking to find a birth mother seems rather daunting.  Honestly, I'd rather play Words with Friends right now. 

I was hoping to have this all done by the end of July.  There is still time. Maybe I'll actually jump into action last minute instead of laying in bed thinking about what new pictures we should use or should we put the crib in the 2nd bedroom or in ours.  I am hoping my confession of procrastination will give me that push that I need.  Or I might just follow Mark Twain's words, "Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well" and give myself a little break.

*Since I am procrastinating, there is still time to respond to the questions in the Survey Says post. It will help us great deal in focusing our adoption efforts.

♥ Our puzzle piece fundraiser is still going! Click on the fundraiser tab to get your puzzle piece! Or if you simply want to make a donation, click on the Donate button to the left. Thank you!

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