
Monday, March 5, 2012

How To Save A Life

We've been making ourselves useful while we wait for our little bundle.  We have time to kill so why not learn as much as we can about child care and child safety. I have been scouring the Internet for affordable classes and found a FREE infant CPR class offered at The Brooklyn HospitalI immediately signed us up.  Date night in Brooklyn!

The class size was about six people and lead by a very personable and friendly doctor from the Pediatric department.  This class is not for certification but more as an introduction for expectant and new parents or anyone interested in infant CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation).  We were all given a baby to work on. At each step, we watched an brief video, were given hands-on instruction and then time to practice on our baby.  The instructor came around to make sure we were using the proper technique.

Here's a couple helpful things that I learned:  1. Never perform CPR on a bed or couch or squishy surface. Move the baby to the floor or solid, flat surface. A squishy surface makes the chest compression ineffective  2. If you are alone, perform two minutes of CPR on the baby before calling 911.  To minmize damage to the brain, you must to get oxygen and the blood circulating first and then call for help. Of course, if someone is with you, have them call 911 right away.

We practiced things like giving breaths.

And chest compressions.

Our class also covered infant choking.  Most infant choking is from liquids not solids and if the baby is able to cough or cry, then he or she is able to breathe. We practiced rapid strikes to the back.

And chest thrusts.  

We also received a handout for injury prevention that offers tips for everything from falls, suffocation or choking, poisoning, scalds and burns and motor vehicle accidents.  For more information on infant CPR or choking, click here.  When I left the class, I felt confident that I could save a life.  How awesome is that?

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