
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Audience Participation

I have been blogging along for the past few months sharing my thoughts and ideas about adoption, cats and whatever else is on my mind and I've hit 5,000 page views!  To celebrate, I thought I would get some audience participation going. Tell me what you want to know about adoption, our cats or anything else. I'll do my best to answer your questions. 

I'd also love to hear from all you moms and dads on what products, toys, furniture, strategies, or tips that you've found that makes being a new parent so much easier.  I think a must-have list would be great to share.

Leave a comment below or email me and I'll turn your suggestions into future posts!

Puzzle pieces are still available.  For a gift of $5, we'll add your name to the puzzle.  Get yours here and help us adopt!  Thank you!  If you are interested in seeing how this puzzle thing works, see my friend's finished puzzle on her blog, Our Adoption Journey...{and life with Kate!}.

1 comment:

  1. Well you may have read my must-have list on my blog, but one of my "must haves" is still (at 7 months)- the zip up sleepers. They are FAR easier than the snap ups! I like them better than gowns too because I feel like they keep her warmer- which may or may not be the case.


Thanks for reading Two Cats and a Cradle!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.