
Monday, November 14, 2011

Ornament Fundraiser - Week 4

So many of you have donated that I only have ONE set of ornaments and some singles left.  I had no idea that the ornaments would go so quickly.  Thank you so much for your generosity.  Week 4's ornament is a Wishbone.


Thanksgiving is one our favorite holidays and definitely Marlon's favorite meal.  The glimmer in his eye when I pull the turkey out of oven makes cooking the meal totally worth it.  Thanksgiving is our snuggle holiday.  It's usually just the two of us, we spend the day in our pjs, we watch the parade and our favorite movies, call the family, eat turkey with all the fixings and pie (you have to have pie!), snuggle under a blanket  and are thankful for our wonderful life.  Breaking the wishbone has been our tradition since I can remember.  Marlon is a master at carving the turkey and getting the wishbone out perfectly.  Thanksgiving night we break the wishbone, sometimes I get the lucky break and make a wish, some years he gets the break and makes a wish.  We never tell each other what we wish for, but I have a feeling a lot of times we wish for the same thing.

Thanksgiving 2010
This year we are taking Thanksgiving on the road and spending it with my dear friend, Jennifer and the Godkiddies.  I don't think it's going to be much different than our home Thanksgiving, just adding some good friends and maybe we'll throw in a Monopoly game.

Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

If your interested in donating, these are the ornaments I have left - ONE SET - 1 Shepherd Staff, 1 Snowflake, 1 Cow Bell, 1 Wishbone and 1 Christmas Pickle. SINGLES - 1 Snowflake, 1 dented Sheep Bell, 1 Wishbone and 1 Christmas Pickle.  Email me before you order to make sure I still have them before you donate. If you miss this fundraiser, don't worry there will be a different one very soon! Please see our Fundraising page. Again, we cannot thank you enough for the support that you have given us.

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