
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ornament Fundraiser - Week 3

Wow, it's already week 3 of the Ornament Fundraiser. Not really, this post is a little early because I only have ONE set left of ornaments and some singles. I had no idea that the ornaments would go so quickly. You know how the fundraiser goes, donate $5 and I'll send you an ornament, donate $25 and I'll send you the set. Thank you so much for your donations.

This is what I have left - SET - 1 Shepherd Staff, 1 Snowflake, 1 Cow Bell, 1 Wishbone and 1 Christmas Pickle.  SINGLES - 1 Snowflake, 1 dented Sheep Bell, 1 Wishbone and 1 Christmas Pickle.  Email me ASAP before you order to make sure I still have them before you donate.  If you miss this fundraiser, don't worry there will be a different one very soon!

Cow Bell
Sheep Bell
Wishbone ornament
Christmas Pickle ornament
This week you get to choose which of these cute farm animals that you want.  I guess they are all cow bell ornaments or is it cow bell and sheep bell?  I had a pig bell, but they are SOLD OUT.  My family is a little bit pig crazy!  No matter, they will make a fun addition to your tree.  I am also throwing in pictures of weeks 4 and 5's ornaments.  I might not get to write about how awesome Marlon is at finding the wishbone in a chicken or turkey or give you the full story of the Christmas pickle.  But follows are some stories about farm animals.

I am a city girl and don't have too much experience with farm animals.  My two kitty cats can get pretty wild sometimes.  I did have a brief love affair of all things cow in the early 90's.  I still use my cow coffee mug every weekend, but that about all that is left from my cow phase.

My Godkids have cows in their front yard and I am a looky-loo every time we drive up. The cows seem to be just as curious about us.

Oh, then there is that time my Granddaddy took me to a slaughter house because he thought it would be a good idea to see where our pork chops, bbq and sausage came from.  I was a vegetarian for about 3 years after that little visit.  But it is a good idea to know where your food comes from.

Mmmm, pork butts for NC BBQ!

I've already told you about sheep because I am a Sheppard. Baaaa!

If you are interested in an ornament, you can get them here - Fundraising.  For week 3's ornament, be sure to add a note of which bell you want in the "Instructions to Merchant" area. Thank you so much for your donation.

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