
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We are in the running!

So it has been non-stop since we have been approved!  Our friends adoption is being finalized! Congrats!  We celebrated with T&B at their baby shower, my parents have been in town and now we are heading to VA for my sister's birthday and baby shower.  Oh and did I mention, dodging earthquakes and pending hurricanes?  Whew!

And we must get a look book together ASAP!  We are trying to get decent picture of Marlon and I that captures the essence of who we are. Not too posed, not too doofy looking and that makes us look like our ideal selves. TALL ORDER.  I know one person who can't wait to take our photo! Thanks, K!

For now, our profile has been posted, that means we are officially in the running -

Being the organized person that I am, I going to make a list of what's next.  I feel calm coming over me just thinking about making a list.  I will have 7 hours in the car on the way to VA to just make lists! Woo hoo.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Feeling the LOVE!

WOW! We are feeling the love from our family and friends. Thanks to everyone for your congratulations and well wishes.  We are so lucky to be supported by such wonderful people.  It is really cool to know that so many people think we'll be good parents.

So what's next?  We are waiting for our profile to be posted on the Bethany website.  We also have to design a look book for potential birth parents to get to know us and decide if they want to meet us. Uh, no pressure.  We'll see our family next week, so we hope to take some good current pictures with them and then get this book printed x6!  And then we chill.  I think my eye has finally stopped twitching.

Still trying to find my voice on this blog but upcoming will be the deets on the dreaded home study, fundraising and hopefully some good stories!    Speaking of fundraising, if you like coffee, support us and order from  They send a portion of every sale from TheDeasons store to our adoption fund. Pretty sweet!

Thanks for LOVE!  I am going to re-read your comments whenever I need boost.  xoxo

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hello World, I am going to tell all kinds personal stuff!

So, where to begin?  I guess from the beginning.  My honey bunny and I have been married for 17 years and live in LIC, NY. We have two adorable sister cats Edie and Twiggy.  Our life has been just the two of us (+cats) for a long, long time. 

We've travelled, bar hopped, made career changes and lived life as much as two people can do, but we have not had our own family.  Family is important to us, we certainly spend enough time with ours even though they live 300 miles away.  Having babies just didn't work out as planned.  Or maybe it has and we weren't aware of the plan.  Anyway, our path has brought us to ADOPTION!  Yes, Jenn and Marlon are adopting!

We are so happy, so nervous and so excited!  We've wanted to a have a baby for so long and now we are.  One day, I will be a MOM!  We have just finished our home study with Bethany Christian Services Adoption Agency. And now we wait and wait and wait for the child that is meant to be with us.

I keep telling Marlon, what in the world are we going to do with a kid?  He says, we will figure it out, babe.  Do I know how to change diapers? No.  Do I know how to burp? I can, but to burp a baby, no. I guess I'll figure it out.

Thank you to all our family and friends for your encouraging words, your prayers and support through the application process. I cannot tell you how much each and every one of you mean to us. xoxo

So, I wanted to share this wonderful news with you.  I hope to help people understand the adoption process and to share my thoughts throughout.

Stay Tuned!