
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We are in the running!

So it has been non-stop since we have been approved!  Our friends adoption is being finalized! Congrats!  We celebrated with T&B at their baby shower, my parents have been in town and now we are heading to VA for my sister's birthday and baby shower.  Oh and did I mention, dodging earthquakes and pending hurricanes?  Whew!

And we must get a look book together ASAP!  We are trying to get decent picture of Marlon and I that captures the essence of who we are. Not too posed, not too doofy looking and that makes us look like our ideal selves. TALL ORDER.  I know one person who can't wait to take our photo! Thanks, K!

For now, our profile has been posted, that means we are officially in the running -

Being the organized person that I am, I going to make a list of what's next.  I feel calm coming over me just thinking about making a list.  I will have 7 hours in the car on the way to VA to just make lists! Woo hoo.

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