
Thursday, December 19, 2013

My America Adopts Guest-blogging Stint

Not too long ago Lawrence from America Adopts asked me if I wanted to do a guest blog post. Hmmm, YES! The post could be on anything as long as it was open adoption related. Great! Then he asked if I wanted to write about our failed adoption match. Okay...

It's been four months and we are in a better place. I thought it would be helpful to others going through the same thing to share our story. Life goes on and your heart heals a little everyday. Your heart is not the same, there is a scar, but it heals.

So sat down and started to write about how we have moved forward. It was tougher than I thought. We have moved forward, but you see, those emotions still bubble up and the tears appear out of nowhere sometimes. I get up in the morning, put on a happy face and try to keep what happened in the past. But then WHAM!, something little will remind me of the babies or that we should be to doing xyz with them or there is a billing mistake with our insurance company and we were charged for the twins entire hospital stay and you receive pages and pages that say son and daughter. I am just saying moving forward is a process. Tears will appear. We have good days and some days that ache won't go away. That's the way it's going to be for awhile.

We are definitely at the "have hope" stage of this process. We really believe the child that is meant to be a part of our family will find us. What happened is just part of our adoption journey and it's not our final stop. So, onward to 2014!

Thanks to Lawrence at America Adopts for helping me move forward another step. Click here to read my guest blog post on the America Adopts website. While you are at it, follow America Adopts on Twitter, @AmericaAdopts or "Like" their Facebook page,

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