
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Signed Outlander Book Giveaway

OK, people it's week THREE of giveaways here at Two Cats and a Cradle. This giveaway is something that I LOVE! Something for the grown-ups this time! I am giving away a signed copy of Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. This book is not only signed by Diana, but also by executive producer Ron Moore. Outlander is becoming a TV series on Starz next year!

I'm a big fan of the book series, I've read them all. It's funny, I actually received my first copy of Outlander as a giveaway in the goodie bag from Shecky's Girls Night many moons ago. The book is an overwhelming 850 pages, so I stuck it on the shelf for probably two years. Then one day I decided to start reading books that I actually have rather than buying new ones. That's when I cracked the spine on the Outlander book. I was hooked - time travel, Scotland, men in kilts, history and romance. I mean, come on! Marlon calls it a bodice ripper. It's not, but there might have been a few bodices that were ripped. Anyway, I promise you'll love it.

ComicCon weekend was a few weeks ago here in NYC; Diana and Ron were here promoting the Starz  TV series. On the Diana Gabaldon Facebook page, an invitation popped up to enter to win a fan discussion/lunch in NYC during ComicCon. I immediately entered and got back to work. When I came home from work, Marlon said, I entered to win that fan lunch too so you have an extra chance to win. I was like how did you know about it, he said I saw that you entered on Facebook. Awww, that's so sweet. He's such a good hubby. Thanks Facebook for telling on me. (Mental note, Facebook tells on me.) So the next day I got an email invitation to the lunch and Marlon did too! I was so excited.

One catch though, the lunch was right smack in the middle of the big day at ComicCon. The hubby said he'd go with me, but I know how much he looks forward to ComicCon weekend so I told him I'd find someone else to go with or go by myself. I ended up going by myself. It was fantastic!

We got to see a trailer for the show, had a Q&A with Diana and Ron and then we were treated to a fancy rooftop lunch with them! As we entered the rooftop, we were greeted by a bagpiper and glasses of wine. Everyone was giddy with excitement! It didn't matter that I went by myself, I was surrounded by people who loves the book as much as I do (maybe more)! Diana and Ron took pictures with all of us. They were really so friendly and happy to chat. When we left, we each received a t-shirt and signed copy of Outlander. I am keeping the awesome t-shirt, but I already have a signed copy of Outlander. So, I am giving the signed copy to YOU! Enter to win below! The contest ends at midnight EST on December 2nd. The winner will be announced on December 4, 2013!

I hope you'll love the book as much as I do. I am just about to re-read my copy of Outlander in preparation for our trip to Scotland in March 2014 for our 20th wedding anniversary. You guys know it's been a difficult year for us. We needed something to look forward to, so we decided let's go to Scotland. Let's not put life on hold anymore. My Dad let us use his timeshare, so there really isn't a reason why we shouldn't go. We're going to Scotland! As an anniversary gift, Marlon booked us on the Diana Gabaldon tour in Inverness! OMG!! The tour has open seats, so if you want to join our tour - click here! Yes, I am doing a happy dance!

If you can't wait to read Outlander. You can buy a copy from Amazon using the link below.

This contest is not affiliated with the author Diana Gabaldon, Starz or Dell Publishing.


  1. That is so exciting. Scotland for the 20th anniversary. Really romantic. We want to go sometime too. I am a new but ardent fan of the Outlander series . Read them then reread them in succession over the summer.

    1. I am really looking forward to the trip. We've always wanted to go. I can't wait to retrace Jamie and Claire's steps. Squeal!!!!


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