
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Kidecals Giveaway

Happy Thanksgiving from Two Cats and Cradle. I hope everyone is having nice holiday with people they love. The holidays have officially begun and now I start to think about all the things I need to do to make the season merry and bright!  I can't forget all those who have given me a hand throughout the year and what better way to thank someone? Make them something special! This year I'll be making white chocolate peppermint pretzels and of course lots and lots of cookies.

Kidecals sent me some of their cool labels and now my holiday gifts look extra special.  It's those little touches that make a BIG impression. I got the super cute chalkboard labels. I LOVE these! The chalkboard labels have endless uses. I put the label on a plaid cookie tin and labeled it in red chalk. The label is really durable and waterproof. I can just wipe it and write something else on it. I ordered some custom labels too. These are really fun and I could customize the wording and font size. The website was really easy to use and there are a lot of label styles. They have labels and decals for everything. Sending your kid to camp? They have labels for that! I especially liked their selection of  labels devoted to food allergies.   Kidecals even have decals to make your computer keyboard snazzy. Kidecals is offering a 15% off discount with free shipping to Two Cats and a Cradle readers! Go to and enter the code kidecals15 at checkout.

One lucky person will win chalkboard labels, "From My To Yours" labels, chalk, and cellophane bags to create your own special gifts!! Enter to win this giveaway below.

For more information about Kidecals, check out their website,, follow on Facebook,, Twitter, @kidecals, and Pinterest, For great use ideas for all the Kidecals products watch their YouTube video

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