
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Meet My Lil' Niece!

Yay for little girls. We have new niece, Renee' Leina'ala, born on September 23rd. I now get to say I have a favorite nephew and a favorite niece!

So how did my niece get such a fancy name with not just one, but TWO accent marks? Renee' is my sister's middle name. Leina'ala is her grandma's middle name and great grandma's name and it honors her Hawaiian heritage. It means wreath of flowers.

I headed down to VA for a combo trip - to see my new niece and celebrate Landon's 2nd birthday. I decided to surprise everyone. Landon was so happy to see his MeeMee. (That's me!) I took him to City Park so mom and dad could run some errands for the party. Aunt Mai looked after Renee'. Auntie power! Anyway, the park was fun, but it has had quite a few upgrades since I was a little kid. We went down the slides together and swung on the swings. Landon was grinning from ear to ear. MeeMee was pooped!

Renee' is so cute, you just want to eat those chubby little cheeks! There was actual study done recently about why babies are so irresistible. My nephew smells pretty good too. I told him he was delicious and then he went around saying "I'm delicious". I got some snuggle time with Renee' and even showed off my new and improved baby skills.

I am so happy I went, it was so good seeing my family. I look forward to being the best MeeMee in the land!

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