
Monday, August 26, 2013

The Eye of Adoption Book Giveaway

Jody Dyer contacted me just as we were matched this last time and offered to send me a copy of her book, The Eye of Adoption. I am always looking for something new to read and happily accepted. I immediately loaded the book onto my iPad

The babies were born premature and we were on an adoption roller coaster. I didn't have a minute to read the book or think straight until I found myself at the DMV the day after Independence Day (with everyone else in Long Island) with unexpected hours to read. Having this book was a godsend because I almost had a nervous breakdown right there at the DMV, crying intermittently and may have used a few colorful words to the clerk after waiting for four hours just to get a lost license plate replaced. Not my finest moment, but I was under a lot of stress.  Anyhoo, I opened the iPad and started reading.

Immediately, I felt comforted by Jody's southern charm. I may be a "New Yawker" now, but I will always be a southern girl at heart. It felt like she was an old friend telling me her story. I could relate. Her longing for a child, the waiting, the uncertainty were all feelings I have had and was having. "Do not underestimate the depths of suffering and lengths of endurance required of adoptive parents. Do not underestimate the difficult choice to find a child through adoption. No one "just adopts"." Amen, Jody. 

No two adoptions are the same, but the same emotions and sentiments are there. Her book reassured me that  my internal dialogue about trying to have a family were actually sane. Her book is honest, warm and funny. I loved the quotes at the beginning of each chapter that set the tone and how she wrote sweet letters to her baby to be throughout her adoption journey. They never gave up hope. At the end of the book there is a great Q&A with the birth mother of her son. It's a perspective we often do not get.

In the last couple of months, Jody has been there for me. She has sent me pep talk emails and let me vent. When our match failed, she encouraged me to keep hope that one day we would have our family too. I have never met her in person, but I am honored to call her a friend.

Jody has graciously given me a paperback copy of The Eye of Adoption to give away! She's awesome, right? To enter, click "Enter Here" below to fill out an entry form. For an extra chance to win, like my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter or Pinterest or subscribe to Two Cats and a Cradle by email. Just click one of the links on the left. A winner will be selected randomly on September 9, 2013.

The giveaway has ended.
Thank you to everyone that entered.

The winner is ...


For more information about Jody Dyer, check out her website: or her blog, Theories: Size 12, Musings from a Mountain Mama.

If you can't wait and want to read the book right now, you can purchase a paperback or Kindle version of The Eye of Adoption on Amazon with the link below. It really is a must-read for anyone that is considering adoption, waiting to adopt or loves someone going through the adoption process.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you writing again. Life has been busy, but I may have to pick up this book. I've had a little of my own luck with writing. An online magazine picked up and published one of my blog posts for a series on adoption. Please check it out. :)


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