
Monday, March 11, 2013

What Did Moms Do Before the Internet?

As we excitely prepare for our baby, I've become addicted Pinterest, Facebook forums for adoptive parents and the Adoptive Familes Circle website. There is a wealth of information just waiting for me to discover. I'm absorbing as much as I can now, because when this baby arrives I have a feeling I am not going to have much time to lazily watch TV on the couch and surf Pinterest. 

I have pinned so many articles to read about parenting, baby foods, getting baby to sleep, Halloween costumes, potty training, fun activities for toddlers, etc. that this kid is going to be busy until kindergarden. If you want to follow my boards on Pinterest, click on the links here: All Things Adoption, Dream Nursery ~ Dream Baby, Baby Foods, Yay For Girls!, and my personal favorite OMG! I'm gonna be a MOM!. You can also follow the Two Cats and a Cradle blog on Pinterest.

Adoption Facebook forums have been a great support to me. I love to hear from other adoptive parents and how their families are thriving. It's also great to be constant touch with those that are experiencing the same feelings as me.  It's nice to have all these wonderful people holding my hand throughout the process.  Thanks guys!

Adoption Familes Circle is a great website with a terrific community. I've looked for advice and enjoyed discussions on their website. I feel like it's a good place to get a consensus of opinions.

Having all these great web communities at my fingertips is like having my very own personal What to Expect When You're Expecting book, but the adoption version.  Oooo, now there's a good idea. What in the world did moms and dads do before the Internet?

If you'd like to contribute to our adoption fund, check out our Fundraising page! Thank you!

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