
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Baby Care Class for Adoptive Parents

I am always looking for an interesting class to take on adoption or child care. What can I say, I am planner and a preparer. So I was really excited when I came across a class given by IAC Center on child care for adoptive parents. I had been debating about whether I wanted to take a child care class full of pregnant women, so this was perfect. As always, Marlon is game for whatever class I want us to take. He's such a good hubby.

The IAC Center is based in Montclair and Pennington, NJ and offers a supportive and informative environment for families exploring alternative family-building options. They offer counseling and workshops for those of us facing infertility and/or pursuing adoption. Most of their workshops are in New Jersey, however they do have some workshops in New York City. Our class was in Montclair, so I sweetened the deal for Marlon by renting a Honda Element for the day. He loves that car. Road trip!

The class size was small, six couples, which gave everyone the opportunity to ask questions and to receive hands-on guidance. Our instructor, Danielle was absolutely great; she was like a friend who happens to be a nurse and mom. She reassured us on many things that are normal with infants but might freak us out, like the baby's first poos will look like tar and be sticky. It's called meconium. I would have been freaked, but I now I know.

Danielle covered a lot of ground in three hours. We learned everything from adoptive parent issues to just regular parenting practices. What should adoptive parents expect at the hospital? How do you travel with a newborn? When should you start looking for a local pediatrician? We covered basic baby care like feeding, diapering, bathing, burping and swaddling.  She even gave us some tips for understanding your baby's needs. My favorite was the list of must-have baby items. We walked out feeling ready to be mom and dad! But we got handouts too, just in case.

The next workshop is in April 27, 2013 in Montclair, NJ, so if you live in the area it is a must do! Click here for more information. We are so glad we went.

Disclosure: I offered to blog about this class and the IAC Center allowed me to attend at no cost. My opinions of the workshop are my own. Marlon paid for his attendance and thought it was worth every penny. He can swaddle a baby like a rock star now!


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