
Monday, November 26, 2012

Drum Roll, Please! Unveiling our NEW Profile Book

The new profile book is done! The book is D-O-N-E!  We are so excited to share with you our new profile book. Click here to take a look!

Way back in June, we decided that we wanted to re-do our profile book. Ya know, freshen it up a bit.  Copies of this book is sent to all of our area adoption agency offices. This is what they show expectant mothers considering adoption.  We sat in the park on the 4th of July brainstorming on the book. We actually ran into one of my co-workers and his wife, who looked curiously at us as we sat on a park bench with our notebooks with lists and diagrams, deep in thought.

We wrote and wrote for over a month; we searched for the best new pictures of us.  We had a few disagreements and extra hugs. The best two editors in NYC reviewed our work. We submitted the book to our adoption agency for approval.  We just knew they were going to come back and say, "WOW, this is the best book we have ever seen."  Two weeks later, we got the book back completely marked up with marker.  Our hearts sank.  The note on the back said, we were "too verbose." WTH?  Us, too wordy?  Our concept for the new book was to tell stories about our lives together instead of just a boring generic rundown.  But they know best, right?  Most of the stories - marked out. The personal anecdotes - marked out. Honestly, I had to put the project aside for a few weeks and lick my wounds.

Finally, we got back to work. Two months after missing my self-inflicted deadline, we are printing this sucker with  We really think the book turned out great. It represents who we are as a couple and who we want to be as a family.  We hope someone falls in love with us soon.

So without further ado, please click here to look at our new book!

Special thanks to Molly and Maria for their expert editing, to Alex, Diane and Rochelle for their eagle eye proofing and to Stephanie for taking about 50% of the photos in our book.  You guys rock!  Along with our gratitude, you are all getting a well-deserved puzzle piece with your name on it.  Thank you so much for taking your time to help us.
By the way, all those full-length stories are not going to waste. We will soon unveil the Marlon and Jennifer Adoption website. Stay tuned!

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