
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy First Birthday Landon!

I am taking a break from Cute Kitty Thursday today to give you Cute Baby Thursday!  Today is my nephew, Landon's first birthday!  He is so stinking cute!!

Landon has learned all sorts of new things in his first year.  He can say "momma", "dadda", "bye, bye", 'uh oh", "thank you" and "I love you". We are going to work on him saying "auntie and "uncle" when we're there visiting. He's standing all by himself and walking around holding onto the furniture.  The babysitter says, he's the most advance in the group. Of course he is!  His momma says, he's a menace; getting into everything and trying to scale the playpen to get out.  Momma is just kidding.  Landon is just keeping her on her toes!

Landon has eleven teeth and loves to share his snacks with his dog, Tori. Landon eats one and gives one to the dog.  He's such a good sharer and Tori is loving this. They are best buds!

These awesome first birthday pictures were taken by Shotz Portrait Studio in Suffolk, VA.  They did a great job capturing Landon's first birthday!

Happy First Birthday Landon! Auntie Jenn and Uncle Marlon love you!

 Our puzzle piece fundraiser is still going! Click on the fundraiser tab to get your puzzle piece! Or if you simply want to make a donation, click on the Donate button to the left. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. He's a very smart little fellow and ready to climb out the playpen for sure ,,, He can figure his way out of anything :) Thinking the play pen turned upside down with him under might hold him in place lol just kidding he'd find a way out lol .. I agree your nephew is a cutie for sure ... and btw , Im the babysitter lol ..


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