
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cute Kitty Thursday!

Here's Edie and Twiggy looking cute sitting in a chair. The real story is that Edie decided to lay on Twiggy's pillow and Twiggy is not at all happy about that.  She kept jumping up on the arm of the chair and meowing trying to tell me to get Edie out of her spot.  Edie has her own chair with a pillow; she's making my Twig Twig mad.

Edie's face is like, What? I can lay here too.

If you want your cute kitty featured on "Cute Kitty Thursday!", email me pictures at

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  1. We love them...they are the cutest!!!
    Pudi cat brougt us a waterbug this am. Left it at the foot of the bed as a gift...the mighty hunter!!!

  2. Jen, You should submit that pic to;
    The Year 2014 Cat Calendar Contest
    Workman Publishing
    Grand Central Station
    P.O. Box 3927
    New York, NY 10163

    Deadline is February 1, 2013


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