
Monday, August 27, 2012

One Year Down

We are still waiting for our baby to be.  As of August 17th, we've officially been waiting a year.  I have to say the year went by fast.  Personally, I think the wait has been good.  It has given me some time to reflect on what it really means to adopt a child. I have learned so much in the past year and my concerns at the beginning of this process are no longer an issue.  We are ready!

So what does the one-year milestone mean?  It means we have to update our home study which is rather simple compared to the initial home study.  Background checks are done again in case we did anything rash in the past year.  We have to get a another physical. You're supposed to get those once a year anyway.  Our social worker comes by our apartment again to make sure everything is in order.  She's coming tomorrow! Can you say clean-a-thon??? Finally, we have to pay $450 to have the home study update done.  It's all worth it.

I am trying to take a much more relaxed approach to the social worker visit this time.  I went a little crazy the first time.  On Sunday, we did some extra cleaning and I tested a coffee cake recipe to serve on Tuesday.  Marlon had to talk me down a couple of times, especially when the coffee cake didn't turn out perfect.  Mopping the floors is on the agenda for Monday night.  I'll head home a little early on Tuesday (I love my boss) to straighten up a little more and make coffee cake or brushetta or both (I can't decide) and freak until she gets there.  I know there is nothing to stress about, but I can't help it.

We've also decided to use this one-year milestone to freshen up our profile.  We've been spending most nights re-doing our adoption look book.  Blogging for a year has definitely helped me with my writing skills.  I am an executive assistant at publishing company and I am surrounded by talented book people every day. I am hoping to have absorbed some of that talent (osmosis, maybe) and will be able to create the best adoption book EVER!  It is already way better than the first one.  If we need some help, some of my wonderful colleagues have offered to look it over and help us make it the best adoption book EVER!  I am so grateful.

If you have a moment on Tuesday, think of us.  Send a prayer or positive thought our way.  I'll try not to burn the coffee cake and try to breathe.

 Our puzzle piece fundraiser is still going! Click on the fundraiser tab to get your puzzle piece! Or if you simply want to make a donation, click on the Donate button to the left. Thank you!

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