
Monday, August 6, 2012

I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

My procrastination confession has led to a little bump in motivation. We had a rainy Saturday so Marlon and I went through our adoption brainstorming notes and survey responses.  We looked at our current adoption book and made notes about what we wanted to change.  It is amazing to me that what we thought was terrific a year ago, isn't so terrific now. We can definitely do better.  We have a to-do list, a plan and a new deadline.

Now for the hard part - selecting pictures from the last year, taking some new casual pictures and reworking how we want to present ourselves.  Our current book seems very generic; we need to add some personality.  If anyone has great pictures of us, email them to me. If you have any of stories that you love about us, tell me! Time to get creative!  Not only are we going to do a new look book, but also a personal website and touch-cards to send to family and friends.  All ideas are welcome even if you don't know us!  We have 21 years of togetherness, it is hard to narrow down what best represents you as a couple and why we would make great parents.

So if you catch me on Words with Friends for extended amounts of time, message me and tell me I need to be working on my adoption project.

 Our puzzle piece fundraiser is still going! Click on the fundraiser tab to get your puzzle piece! Or if you simply want to make a donation, click on the Donate button to the left. Thank you!

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