
Monday, May 21, 2012

A Whole New World

For the first time, we bought something for our baby-to-be .  A little ball that looks like a globe.  We plan to do the nursery in a travel theme and we saw this little ball and it said take me home. I am for your baby.  Not literally, we haven't completely lost our minds yet, but we both agreed we should buy it.

We have been a little weird about actually preparing for this.  It seems strange to us to have a nursery and have no idea when you'll have a baby.  We've done some looking, started a wish list on Amazon, but we hadn't bought anything for our baby until this weekend.  I look at this little ball and it makes me smile.  It's a start. Though now I am thinking maybe I should start stocking up on diapers when I see them on sale.  They don't go bad, do they?

We've been waiting for about 9 months now.  It's hard to wrap my head around it though. If I were pregnant, I would probably be more than ready.  But the 9 months went by fast.  My nephew was born, and then Thanksgiving and Christmas and Valentine's Day and our anniversary and now it's almost June. How did that happen? I haven't even thought about what's going to happen when we get a kid.  I have, but I've done nothing to prepare for it.  Maybe it's time to start getting a little prepared for it.  Our little globe ball is subtle reminder everyday that our world is about to change forever.

♥ If you would like to help us adopt, we still have puzzle pieces available! Click on the fundraiser tab for more information and to get yours!  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. You have the whole world in your hand there. Nice way to start really getting ready for the big things ahead. Love ya,
    Ed and Cheri


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