
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are? Tim Green

This is the final entry in the series "Who Do You Think You Are?  It has been so interesting to find out about all these amazing adoptees.  You always hear about adoption horror stories on the news, it's nice to know there are just as many wonderful stories out there.  We all have issues, it's what you make out of life that counts.

So without further ado let me introduce you to star defensive end for the Atlanta Falcons and NY Times bestselling author, Tim Green.  Tim was raised in a loving and supportive adoptive family. Growing up, he was an honor student and stellar football player.  Adopted at birth, he always longed to find his biological mother, to let her know he was alright, successful and happy.  He wrote about his journey in the book A Man and His Mother: An Adopted Son's SearchIn an interview with Mark Bialczak, Green said even though he found his biological mother "that can never replace my parents. Nothing can replace who your parents are."

Tim Green currently writes a series of chapter books for tweens called Football Genuis and suspense novels published by HarperCollins!  Yay, Harper! He is also active in children’s charities like the Golisano Children’s Hospital where he serves on the Advisory Board, and the Boys and Girls Club.

So there you have it, adopted people turn out just fine and sometimes better than fine.

♦ Check out the Christmas ornament fundraising page. Only one ornament left - the snowflake!

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